A road trip film that follows a homeless woman and a married truck driver. After saving homeless Nozomi from an attack in the park, truck driver...
Two on the road
Haru is a rather cool fifth-grade elementary school student who shares the same tastes as her mother’s younger sister Yuko (Kaho) and can tell...
Kidnap Tour
Ayato Kazama is repaying his deceased father's debts and caring for his mother, who suffers from a serious illness, while working at a construction...
The Young Strangers
In Etsuko's summer school class, "aliens may be able to call." The topic of excitement was raised, and we decided to hold a "Meeting to Call Aliens".
Passing Days
In the wake of the social unrest caused by the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake, two female sumo athletes, Kiku and Tokachi, and an anarchist group called...
The Chrysanthemum and the Guillotine
A recently divorced and traumatized man moves to Hakodate, Hokkaido and attends a vocational college to learn carpentry along with several other...
Over the Fence
Kato, a scriptwriter, is in love with Miho—but he can never manage to muster up enough courage to make the relationship anything more than a...
My Favorite Girl
Mio is 20 years old. Having lost her parents early, she and her grandmother run a traditional inn in Nagano. However, her grandmother gets sick. Mio...
Mio on the Shore
Kengo was gifted in Kendo (Japanese martial art) but he quits after a tragic incident. He works as a security guard and spends his days drinking. One...
Three years ago, Daichi Matsumura lost his beloved family in an unreasonable incident. From then one, he lives with a helpless sense of remorse for...
Follows the final days of left-wing terrorist Satoshi Kirishima, who died in 2024 after evading capture for 49 years.
The Escape