A meteorite brings a powerful element to the Earth during the Cold War, too powerful to ever be used it's contained until a decision is made to...
Super Tanker
A young AI prodigy gets rejected from a world-renowned robotics lab and does what any rational teenager would do -- steals a van and drive...
Paulie Go!
In the year 2125, Alec Mason led the Martian Colonies to freedom in the hit action game Red Faction: Guerrilla. Now, Syfy and THQ are teaming up to...
Red Faction: Origins
A UFO is shot down over Russia in the 1970s and the wreckage is taken to a secret research facility. When the Soviet Union collapses, the alien...
Cold Fusion
After a Soviet space station crashes into a New York City subway tunnel, a species of venomous spiders is discovered, and soon they mutate to...
Art E fact