A babysitter attempts to shelter two brothers in the wake of a deadly storm, but complications arise when a greater threat unveils itself inside the...
Rough Waters
Years after a mysterious plague has devastated the planet and turned most of humanity into blood-hungry creatures, a rogue drifter on a vengeful hunt...
Daylight's End
A young family is forced to relocate to the husband's childhood home and believe they are being terrorized by the ghost of the grandfather who...
The Last Possession
In the autumn of 1900, outlaw Claude Barbee puts his 'retirement plan' in action, attempting to lead his train-robbing gang across Texas to recover a...
Kill or Be Killed
At the end of the Civil War, Belle Gatlin Barlowe, a widowed mother of three, faces uncertainty as she attempts to defend her family's land by any...
Deliverance Creek