POOL follows the story of Willem, a young man from Norway, on the dawn of an existential quest. Willem suffers from selective mutism, a form of...
While visiting a Christmas market in her Norwegian town, eight year old Mariann spots a talking teddy bear at a carnival game booth. However, when...
Teddy's Christmas
Fritt Fram
Two rival villages, Flåklypa and Slidre, decide to re-launch their traditional Cheese Race after years of inactivity. The boastful bird Luca,...
Louis & Luca: The Big Cheese Race
Everything falls apart for a happy seagull family the day a golden flounder offers access to black gold.
This time, they travel on holiday with Aunt Thea to Summer Island. There they meet Eddy who is an expert on all the challenges they can face on a...
Twigson and the Sea Monster