Chitrakut revolves around the lives of five people, their journey of change and metamorphosis as they search for love and companionship. When Debu...
A mistaken delivery in Mumbai's famously efficient lunchbox delivery system (Mumbai's Dabbawallahs) connects a young housewife to a stranger in the...
The Lunchbox
Natasha, the heir to a construction company, leads a contented life free of corporate intrigue. Soon after, a shocking murder takes place in her...
Follows ACP Avinash Verma as he investigates the killing of a minister's assistant in a mass shootout. As his team delves deeper into the case, a...
Silence 2: The Night Owl Bar Shootout
A vigilante network taking out corrupt officials draws the notice of the authorities.
Gabbar Is Back
A small-time thug comes across a young girl who claims him to be her father, following which he realizes he has a lookalike who's being hunted by...
Rowdy Rathore
Sachin is an engineering graduate from a middle class Mumbai family, but his passion is for the world of cinema. He is dreaming and planning for a...
Ekk Deewana Tha
This is the gritty and sensational true story of Arun Gulab Gawli, a mill worker’s son who grew up in Mumbai’s impoverished Dagdi Chawl,...
Wake Up Sid! is the story of a lazy Mumbai college student who does absolutely nothing, with a turn of events will Sid realize his potential in this...
Wake Up Sid
Officer Shivani Shivaji Roy is stationed at Kota where she goes against a ferocious serial killer who rapes and murders women.
Mardaani 2