The new film, entitled Ousama ni Nare ("Become the King"), features music and an original story by Sawao Yamanaka (guitar and vocals for The Pillows)...
Become the King
Takeharu Takami (Ryuhei Matsuda) is a bank teller, but he becomes allergic to money. He decides not to use money at all. Takeharu decides to move to...
A Farewell to Jinu
Humanity is suffering from a series of mysterious murders across the globe, known as the 'Mincemeat murders'. High school student Izumi Shinichi has...
Parasyte: Part 1
Hitori Gekidan gets off a crew bus, assuming he will participate in a travel program. He overhears people in the monitoring room announce the...
God Tongue: Kiss Pressure Game The Movie
マダム・マーマレードの異常な謎 解答編