This documentary, originally presented on the television series The South Bank Show, covers actor Humphrey Bogart's life and career, including...
Bogart: Here's Looking at You, Kid
He was one of Hollywood's greatest tough guys. His charisma and electric on-screen presence propelled the success of classic films such as The...
Biography - Humphrey Bogart
Stephen H. Bogart narrates the rise to fame of his father, Humphrey Bogart through the use of film clips, written material and interviews of friends...
Bogart: The Untold Story
"The Children Remember" is a look at "Casablanca" with Ingrid Bergman's daughter Pia Lindstrom and Humphrey Bogart's son Stephen Bogart.
As Time Goes By: The Children Remember
The film focuses on the icon of Hollywood’s golden age, Humphrey Bogart, and is framed around his relationships with the five formidable women...
Bogart - Life Comes in Flashes