A story revolving around a small nation during the warring states era. It was a dangerous time in the land as people were dying from the plague. The...
Born in Limbo
The Eight Outer Doors: Game Within a Game
Zhang Daoling received a letter of help from his friend Wen, an adult, and took his disciple Wang Chang to Bashu. However, he found that his friend...
Master Zhang
In the turbulent times of Jiuzhou the daughter of Yin Dynasty Taishi Nan Xing was beautiful, but died tragically in the boudoir the day before the...
Novoland - Floating Heart
Master of Go: The Great Winner
Master of Go: Second to none
Zhang Daoling received a letter of help from his friend Wen, an adult, and took his disciple Wang Chang to Bashu. However, he found his friend was...
Taoist Master
At the end of the Chino-Japanese War, a top military officer, Zhang Zhidong, is kidnapped in the middle of the night by a militant organisation...
Warriors of the Nation