The story begins with the demise of a lawyer named Vishwanath and travels through multiple twists, suspense and turns without leaving a single clue...
Plan B
A young woman falls in love with a man after dialing his number by mistake. However, when she visits his city to meet him, another stranger enters...
Butta Bomma
Prerana, a hospice counsellor at a palliative care facility, finds a new meaning in her life when she befriends Aniketh, a terminally ill patient...
Swathi Mutthina Male Haniye
A man suffering from insomnia is tricked into buying a drug, Lucia, that makes his desires come true in his dreams, blurring the line between fantasy...
A 16-year-old girl embarks on a journey of life where she deals with understanding herself, the changing world, bullying, academic pressure and her...
Shivaji Surathkal, who is the Sherlock Holmes of the Karnataka Police Department, is handed over a high-profile case – the murder of the Home...
Shivaji Surathkal: The Case of Ranagiri Rahasya
A journalist who intents to write an article on traffic rule breakers gets dragged into a whirlpool of murder cases and deception.
U Turn
Tejas, an aspiring writer's world bizarrely collides with Abhay's one evening. A drama begins to unfold as he comes face to face with a character of...
"When you are shunned and looked down upon for non-conformance, there is nowhere to go. When your protector has become the threat, there is nowhere...
Satyavati: And We Call This Love