The film revolves around Hildur, a national celebrity and socialite who has to look for a job when her boyfriend Jolli is sent to prison. She finds a...
Dorks & Damsels
Jónus is trapped on top of a mountain when he is met with God, who aids him by giving him superpowers. Now Jónus must get off of there...
When Sveppi's best friend Villi is kidnapped by the bad guys. Sveppi takes it upon himself with his buddy Goi to rescue him and an incredible...
The Big Rescue
Sveppi and Villi go on summer holiday to an old country hotel. Soon they realize a dark and beautiful secret concerning a ghost, a secret spell and a...
The Secret Spell
A little girl disappears into an old wardrobe and the three friends Sveppi, Villi and Goi team up to save her. Together they have an incredible...
The Magic Wardrobe
A chamber orchestra is working out of a rundown theatre in Reykjavik. Financial hardship places a great strain on the band and the lead violinist,...
Grand Finale
Friends Sveppi and Villi discover that an old nemesis has built a doomsday machine that can trigger earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. With the help...
The Biggest Rescue
In a remote Icelandic town, an off duty police chief begins to suspect a local man to have had an affair with his wife, who has recently died in a...
A White, White Day
Senior citizens Hófí and Pétur feel discarded by a system that has no use for them. They're tired of living in a poorly...
Grandma Hófí
When Bússi, Iceland's toughest cop, is forced to work with a new partner to solve a series of bank robberies, the pressure to close the case...
Cop Secret
Guðaveigar is about a group of Icelandic priests who set out on a mission to find the perfect mass wine.
God's blessings