During the Wulin Assembly, Blood Demon Luo severely damaged groups of heroes. The leader, Huo Changkong, lost half of his moves in the decisive...
Fist of Fury: Soul
Jade Leung (Black Cat) stars in this police action thriller as Yiu, a capable cop who is rescued during an ambush by Man. As Yiu becomes friendly...
The Black Cat Agent Files
The King is Invincible
The story of the film is unique. It links the "female special forces" with the task of destroying the super-large "drug trafficking" gang, coupled...
Special Forces King 3: Battle Tianjiao
Hong Kong movie
The World of Ghosts
When Gao, the young saint of gamblers, vows not to gamble again after his latest win, he becomes the target of assassination from rival gamblers. He...
Black Mask Vs. Gambling Mastermind
A romance movie fanatic discovers his wife's affair, then becomes obsessively fixated on murdering her and purging her unpure soul.
Flame of Seduction
Fan Siu-Wong returns in this latest adventure of Ricky. In his quest to win all fights, Ricky keeps pushing himself to the limits until he passes...
The Boxing King
Plainclothes cop Wen is assigned to protect Lai, a famous socialite who witnessed the murder of her husband by the notorious twin brother assassins....
Royal Guard
A martial arts film by Kant Leung Wang-Fat.
Phoenix from Shaolin
Treasures from the Ching Dynasty's Yuan Ming Gardens are sought by an art dealer, the Chinese authorities, a mobster, and undercover government...
Roaring Dragon, Bluffing Tiger
Two brothers, experts in martial arts, have to separate their paths due to a fight in which one of them is badly wounded. Years later they are...
Path to the Dream
Dragon arrives in town and notices that it's under the influence of the cruel Tang which controls the games, the prostitution and the loans of money...
Dragon the Master 2
Tiger & Dragon
Fang Shiyu: The Thousand Faces of Shura
In 19th-century China, during the corrupt Qing Dynasty, the people are suffering at the hands of greedy landlords, crooked officials, and unwelcome...
The Master
Emperor Chongzhen, the last emperor of Ming Dynasty, on coming to power, distanced the mighty eunuch Wei Zhongxian and removed all his supporters....
Blue Dragon Sword
Watch Out
Mostly a re-cut of the movie Dragon the Master 2 with 30 extra minutes of footage added from various Bruce Lee, Bruce Li, Dragon Lee, and Bruce Le...
The Real Bruce Lee 2
The story follows a band of courageous bodyguards headed by Yang Liu An, and tasked by General Ma Bao with escorting his daughter Chen Yuanyuan,...
The Bravest Escort Group
The prostitute of Xiaoliu (played by Ronnie Cheung) was shot and killed in an unethical transaction. The person who opened the room with her was the...
Hooker’s World