The events revolve around three eras: the Pharaonic era, the Mamluk era, and the first half of the 20th century. The events revolve around corruption...
The Treasure: Truth & Imagination
Egypt, 1947: in the midst of a cholera outbreak. A washerwoman tries to take care of her family, while at the same time resisting the advances of a...
The Sixth Day
The young director Hassan is preparing to film about the Khartiya group, a group of young Egyptians of both sexes who accompany tourists and roam...
Heba is a TV presenter interested in broadcasting stories that touch on the everyday secret lives of women and the social injustices they face. Her...
Scheherazade, Tell Me a Story
Reem is a young political activist who works for an advertisement company. As she tries to uncover the truth behind the incide of the Battle of the...
After the Battle
Set in the summer of 1961 during President Nasser's land reforms, this is a story of the childhood friendship between Yasser, the son of a bourgeois...
Summer Thefts
Malek is an aspiring football player in a small club. He soon proves his efficiency and skills, so he joins Al-Ahly club and leads the Egyptian...
The International
When businessman Sherif (Ahmed Ezz) reports his wife's Sara (Ruby) mysterious disappearance to the police, investigation led by officer (Mohamed...
The Party
Ali, a self-made middle-class businessman, finds himself torn between two loves: The woman he's about to marry and his old flame who barges back into...
The grandson of Antar Abassi enters a fierce battle with Asad Alrijal, and tries to beat him with all his strength in order to win the heart of the...
Antar, The Fourth Grandson of Shaddad
A portrayal of the lives of four friends who have different dreams and aspirations; Ahmed falls in love with a girl he saw once, Sayed gets in...
Why, O Violet?
Youssef is a hotshot anesthesiologist who often sleeps in his car for privacy. Laila is the careerist host of a late night radio call-in show. These...
The Aquarium
A group of prisoners breaks out of prison using an underground tunnel that leads them into a school. When they discover where they are, they decide...
Mrs. Tamtam
Police officer Hamza requests his transfer to the Anti-Narcotics Administration, following the killing of his brother by Suleiman Al-Muslimi. He...
The Deal
Two magician brothers, Taha and Rashad El-Shenawy, prepare to pull off a magic trick to free their wrongfully imprisoned father.
Monkey Talks
Journalist suffers from recurring nightmares about an abandoned mansion.
Nubi, a wealthy man with Communist ties, sets out to find his half-brother Gamal, who has been disowned for being gay, to let him inherit his...
A sequel to The Treasure (Part 1) - Reality & Fantasy (2017) The movie resumes with the stories of Hatsheput in the Pharaonic era, Ali al-Zaibaq...
The Treasure : Love & Destiny
Helmy has just graduated from college and is starting his career. He is shy and trusts everyone, which causes him to have social issues in contrast...
The Hidden One
After killing an orphan boy called (Karim) with her car, (Mona) suffers a psychological shock that made her imagine that Karim lived and grew up. She...
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