An Afrikaans sex comedy which follows the adventures of a third-year student and his buddy at their holiday job. Desperate to lose his virginity, he...
Stoute Boudjies
Based on Sax Rohmer's cult novels "Sumuru", the futuristic fantasy take you to an Earth colony in the far future in which woman rule and men are used...
"The film is a rollicking Afrikaans musical set in the 50s. In the small, bright and vibrant town of Pretville, anything is possible and lots of...
Jimmy in Pienk is a quirky comedy about Jimmy Bester, a rugged seventh generation "mielie" farmer. Jimmy’s father suddenly dies in a freak...
Jimmy in Pink
This is a story of a talented and ambitious musician who faces a major crossroads in his life. Paul’s career has progressed to the point where...
Musiek Vir Die Agtergrond
Through a year of 30th birthdays, four best friends navigate relationships, heartbreak and a shocking situation that threatens to tear them apart.
Love, Sex and 30 Candles
When Sawa's mother and policeman father are found victims of a grisly double homicide, she begins a ruthless pursuit for the man who murdered them....
Dolf is a regular guy from a modest background in Knysna. He is content with his normal small town existence, his group of friends and his eccentric...
A story of love and friendship set against the violence of Apartheid in South Africa. It is a story of the ups and downs of the lives of the three...
A Million Colours
Narrowly escaping death, outlaw Johnny Madrid goes on the run with the hangman's sensuous daughter Esmeralda by his side.
From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter
Denny Montana never looks at Claire. She has been working for him for four years and fallen in love at a distance. When Denny's brother Regan returns...
Diamond Girl
Samuel Browne is a tracker in Alaska. When his sister meets a grisly death in San Francisco, he goes there to hunt her killer. As more murders occur,...
Two brothers — one a narcotics agent and the other a general — finally discover the identity of the drug lord who murdered their parents...