Terror and death plague a gloomy, coastal metropolis, as a vampiric entity known as 'Pharisee' feeds on the blood of the city's populous. As the...
On the evening of Saint Patrick’s Day, a man is determined to get revenge on the legendary Sluagh who killed his wife years before.
The Sluagh Awakens
Morrigan Thompson-Milam's directorial debut is a gruesome tale of an alien using a human girl to wreak havoc on a group of unsuspecting earthlings.
Martian Girl Massacre
A group of troubled teens are led into the woods by a New Age guru who promises to help them heal their minds, hearts and troubled souls. But, one by...
Killer Campout Part II
The "Frames of Fear" series continues with five new tales of blood-soaked video violence that are sure to give you analog nightmares! A crazed...
Frames of Fear III
Rick Sloan inherited a real pain in the neck when his parents passed; a storage unit containing the remains of Count Dracula. Drugs aren't the only...
When a synthetically-altered street drug is discarded in the woods by a drug dealer during a car chase with police, the fallout proves nothing less...
Crazed druggies hunt escaped acidic drug-mutated crocodile terrorizing small town during festival. Protagonists Frankie and Finn attempt to capture...