In this sequel to Nagabonar (1986), the now old Nagabonar was asked to live with Bonaga, his foreign educated son, for a while in Jakarta. This was...
Nagabonar (Becomes) 2
Ratna Suminar, the new student meets Galih Rakasiwi as a cold and indifferent figure. Until then the two of them fell in love with each other....
High School Serenade
Two lovebirds separated by fate, and has to deal with a heartbreaking feeling of longing for each other.
I Miss You
Former singer wants to come back but the music industry has changed.
Star Syndrome
Following a failed suicide attempt, Kresna is followed by four ghosts who will only leave if Kresna fulfills their request.
Hello Ghost
A young woman with a troubled past turns to religion as she seeks purpose in life — and a chance at finding true love.
172 Days
Dodo Rozak just wants to be a good father to his daughter, Kartika, despite his limited intelligence, acts and behaves like children. In fact, it is...
Miracle in Cell No. 7
When a woman from a rich family falls for a man with humble roots, parental opposition to their marriage is just the first of several hurdles to come.
Cinta Laki-Laki Biasa
A married couple prepares for the birth of their child. But conflict and chaos ensue when the wife's family gets wind of the husband's money.
Buka'an 8
Dawan is a young village girl who harbours the dream of getting out of her village in the lure of the bright lights in the big city, and to do so,...
Sing to the Dawn
The five young members of the rock band, Topeng, face many love problems. Canting, the vocalist, always worries about her boyfriend, Armand, who...
Message from Heaven
While in Azerbaijan, Layla, an Indonesian scholar, falls for Samir, an admirer of her work — but her arranged marriage stands in the way.
Layla Majnun
Bonaga and Monita are a husband and wife who are enjoying their period of success. This time, they have to face the educational problems of their...
Naga Naga Naga