Buddy Roosevelt, a notorious bandit known as the "Phantom," and his doppelgänger, drifter Jeff McCloud. Bull manages to throw suspicion on Jeff...
The Phantom Buster
Sheriff Jack Norton is badly wounded in a gun battle with bandits and is helped by Anita Parsons, the daughter, as he later learns, of the bandit...
Prowlers of the Night
Lightnin' tries to save agent Eileen Sedgwick and her rich boyfriend from the infamous webs of the Spider.
Lightnin' Flashes
The plucky boy rider Red discovers the dead body of Jim Crawford in the desert. A message scratched on a canteen begs the finder to protect Jim's...
The Little Buckaroo
A young woman and her father search for hidden treasure in the African jungle.
Perils of the Jungle
Ranger races to the rescue when Jim is framed on a murder charge.
Dog Law
Jim West, foreman of John Calhoun's ranch, falls in love with Helen, the boss's daughter, after rescuing her from a runaway horse. Her brother, Ted,...
Code of the Cow Country
Lightnin' the dog and his master, Tom Harding are on to a group of smugglers who operate down at the harbor. Tom nearly bags them, but he's...
Lightnin' Wins
Like many Easterners who suffer from consumption, "The White Plague," Jim Warren goes to Arizona for the curative powers of its dry climate. When he...
Ridin' Wild
The story of a decent, law-abiding saloon owner who gets himself in trouble with the corrupt city fathers when he attempts to close down the town's...
Bulldog Pluck