Hans, a proud fisherman with a passion for his calling, has high hopes that his son, Johan, will follow in his footsteps and become the owner of his...
Hans the Skipper
The film's plot revolves around a rich playboy and an expert in coral who helps scientists to discover chunks of coral missing off the Mozambican...
Inspan is dedicated to tough pioneers, who along dangerous roads - with courage and strength - developed the vital transport routes for a young and...
South African Movie
In the aftermath of the South African War, Flip Lourens helps Daan le Roux against a vengeful gang led by Kurt Bester. They stand up against...
Voor Sononder
Two brothers go from job to job, determined to make their fortune.
Geld Soos Bossies
Diamond detective Sergeant Louw is given the difficult task of pursuing Reg Regallo a nightclub owner and diamond smuggler.
Gevaarlike Spel
A Young Ducktail Unwittingly Kidnaps a Young Bride and Then Falls in Love With Her.
The story about the evolution of the Afrikaans-language.
Doodkry is Min
"Alter egos and mirror images are eminent in this tale of woe and success starring the irrepressible Al Debbo in his prime. Klaas Haasbroek is a...
Keep The Shiny Side Face Up
Hans and Sydney are on a bus tour to the Cape. Hans is Afrikaans; Sydney is English. They chat up two pretty young women - and also quarrel between...
Hans en die Rooinek
Rip van Wyk, a slow-witted Afrikaner, is transported from the 1850s to 1959.
Rip van Wyk