The story concerns a homeless boy named Ted. After seeing a movie about Gulliver he meets Professor Gulliver himself in a forest. Gulliver is now an...
Gulliver's Travels Beyond the Moon
Set in the pleasure district of Kyoto, Tamiko (Yoshiko Mita, in her first lead role) is a young girl attending high school by day and training as a...
Raised in a Palace
In this influential cult-classic animated film based on Japanese folklore, Susano is the youngest son of Izanagi and Izanami, the heavenly couple who...
The Little Prince and the Eight-Headed Dragon
The story follows Misako Kitaoka, a junior college graduate and Nitto Lease sales department employee, as she grows through work, love, and...
Three stories revolve around independence, a man searching for his wife, and a poor craftsman trying to make money.
Cold Rice, Osan, Chan
Based on the Nobu Koito story
The great Sonny Chiba stars as Goro Saionji, a drifting thrill-seeker. Out to investigate a suspisious plane crash in the Red Valley, he uncovers a...
Drifting Detective: Tragedy in the Red Valley
The Will to Live
Hayato's home city is under attack from a gigantic robot. His parents are lying dead in the rubble and the only remaining friend is his dog. His only...
Flying Phantom Ship