Yamamura (Kenta Kawasaki), who has been an otaku since his school days, tries to hide his hobbies even during his time with youth gangs. One day, he...
Nihon Tōitsu Gaiden: Yamazaki Ichimon 7 - Chiisana Koi no Yamazaki
There was a burglary at the Yusei-kai Kazo branch. Fortunately, the money had already been moved from the safe, but Teru (Yutaka Kiyatake) is in...
Nihon Tōitsu Gaiden: Yamazaki Ichimon 8 - Keisatsucho VS Yamazaki Ichimon
Himuro (Yasukaze Motomiya) and Tamura (Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi) receive a certain consultation from Mikami (Eiichi Furui). The Yamazaki family fights...
Yamazaki Ichimon - Nihon Tōitsu
Joji (Takashi Kitadai) is shot by Isamu (Hidemi Higa) and collapses. Ishizawa (Hiroto Honda) and Yamamura (Kenta Kawasaki) rush towards him and he...
Unification of Japan 64