After building a lucrative criminal empire in Las Vegas, a feared crime boss with an infamous family legacy must outwit relentless rivals and law...
Shades of Sapphire
In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, two sisters leave their stronghold to save their wounded mother. Armed only with a muscle car and limited ammo, they...
Road Wars: Max Fury
Follows a prisoner who records a perfect SAT score while being behind bars, and when she is released she is offered various scholarships, which...
I Thought You Knew
A churchgoing woman makes a heinous deal with the Devil in order to save her soul.
Condition of Return
Through good times and bad, Stella and Delilah have always had each other. Now, Stella's so busy building a life that she's forgotten how to really...
How Stella Got Her Groove Back
In a post apocalyptic world where vampires and witches rule, a male vampire falls in love with a human man, and wants to make him immortal.
The Brides of Sodom
Comedy was never so dangerous!
Femme d'Action
To achieve your dream and passion in a powerful industry without selling your soul. Many tears will fall.
Hit Em Hard: The Story of Zaina Juliette
Sub-Cannon actioner.
Revenge Games
"Wigger" is a spellbinding urban drama, which chronicles the life of a young, White, male (Brandon) who totally emulates and immerses himself in...