A brilliant researcher spirals through time, grappling with chaotic shifts that lead him to a dystopian future. Guided by a cryptic elder, he...
Breaking Infinity
An ambitious young king plots Myrlan’s bloody expansion but, with his eye turned from home, opportunity for a new regime is seized by a band of...
With Super Bowl 50 stealing the attention of regular late night fans, Taryn Spring, a sassy English live call show host is harassed by a 'bad...
Bad Caller
A lonely voice over artist - with the most heard voice in the world - heads to the wilds of Scotland to retrieve his computer tablet and experience...
God answers unscripted questions on live TV as billions of onlookers watch in awe.
God 2.0
A university student returns home to self-isolate during the lockdown. He's totally alone, he's caught the virus and in order to cope, he's started...